Wills and powers of attorney are particularly important documents which every person, regardless of age should have prepared.
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They are not required to be prepared by a lawyer but given the very specific formality imposed on them by our law, it is most prudent to have a lawyer prepare them for you. In their absence, a costly court application may be required to appoint individuals who can make decision on behalf of a deceased or incapable person. Involvement of public agencies such as the Office of the Children’s Lawyer and the Office of the Public Guardian and Trustee may be required in this litigation if these important documents are not prepared.
My Memorandum on Wills and Estates
Please review My Memorandum on Wills and Estates where I explain the types of decisions that have to be made before these are prepared and the manifold purposes of these indispensable documents.

Estate Trustee
If you have been appointed as Estate Trustee for a deceased person, I can assist you with securing the
Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee (also referred to as probate or letters of administration).
If you want to apply to be appointed as Estate Trustee for a deceased person who died without a will, I can also assist with this process.
If you are looking after the affairs of a deceased person, you will find that financial institutions or your lawyer will in most cases require probate to deal with the assets of the estate.